Thursday, March 12, 2015



I hear people say "I know God will not put more on me than I can handle." It is a strange
saying. It is as if God is saying "you are handling that burden ok, so I am going to give you
more stress, more work, more trouble, more grief." If you think about it long enough, it is a
pretty narcissistic statement. We keep telling ourselves that we are strong, invincible, God-like.

Scripture does not say that God will put more burden on you. Rather, scripture clearly shows
that we live in a broken world. It tells us of war, betrayal, displacement and slavery. It tells us of
famine, disease, flood and pestilence. It tells us of brokenness. It tells us of death. None of
these are things that God does to us. Satan does these things. Satan promises power and
prosperity. Satan never delivers, and we are left broken and defeated.

Scripture says that God comes to be with us. God does not abandon us, but even when we are
lonely, God is present. At our weakest moment, God brings strength. At our darkest moment,
God brings light. When we feel defeated, God brings victory. At those times when it becomes
clear that we are not god and that we cannot handle everything, God comes and handles our
burden for us. And when we die, God brings life.

Scripture is full of stories of how God acts. Liberation from slavery. Order out of chaos.
Empowerment to the weak. Justice to the victim. Food to the hungry. Forgiveness to the
transgressor. Hospitality to the stranger. Healing to the sick. Justice for the victim. Grace to the

Scripture also shows that even the most devout are not immune from the brokenness of the
world. King Saul became paranoid. Uriah was murdered by King David who was trying to cover
up his adultery. Job suffered great pain and loss. The disciples of Christ either died violently or
in exile. Paul was afflicted with his "thorn in the flesh." Stephen was stoned to death. To "put
on Christ" or to commit to love God with our whole heart, mind, and strength will not protect us
from harm.

But those who do acknowledge and daily worship God find strength, courage, and purpose.
Those who align themselves with God produce the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace,
forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those who trust in
God can stare down the darkness of evil.

If we focus on the ways of the world, we will be beaten and bruised. But, if we focus on God in
the midst of our struggle, we will confirm that which the prophet Isaiah said "those who hope in
the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not
grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

So let us be careful not to use pithy statements that sound like they come from the Bible. Let us
actually read and study the Bible so that it reveals to us the nature and glory of God.
We can find what we look for in scripture. 

The Wright Word for Today.

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